photo of storage pods in a row in storage facility

The Covid-19 pandemic is nothing less than a global tragedy, and we extend our sincerest sympathies to all those who are suffering. Beyond the unimaginable loss of human life, many are watching years of hard work fall to pieces as non-essential businesses struggle to survive the extended closures. As a new business, we at Blue Sky face our own set of challenges, but we sympathize, and hope to help those in our community overcome this reality. If you are closing due to the health crisis, but plan to re-open a new location at a later date, portable storage pods are a solution for temporary storage of inventory, equipment and other business essentials. Portable storage containers are very flexible, and can be used for anything from commercial kitchen appliances to office furniture to business records and more. Further, they can be delivered right to your door (or parking lot), stored offsite, and redelivered elsewhere when the time comes. Blue Sky offer flexible storage arrangements to meet different needs for access and climate control. We honestly hope this isn’t the reason you’re reaching out to us but, if it is, we’ll do our best to help and work with you to find a solution.

Offsite Documents Storage Solutions

The Management Team at Blue Sky Storage